A New Diva’s Christmas Carol takes place in a TV Studio during the filming of a fictional series called Pop the Question – so as graphic designer on this production I produced a wide variety of legacy TV promotional materials to help build the world of this story. This included posters and displays for several seasons of Pop the Question, additional tv series posters and animated bumpers on display throughout the studio, and graphics for a variety of other key props and sets.
Project Highlights
Legacy Show Posters
Graphic Design, Set Decoration
To help shape the world of the movie, I created a series of legacy show posters for the fictional TV series Pop the Question (a singing type reality show in the same vein as The Voice) and a variety of other network television series produced by the same TV studio.
Feedback Awards
Graphic Design, Set Decoration
Branding/graphic design and displays for the fictional music awards show, Feedback Awards.
Bumper Animations
Graphic Design, Animation, Set Decoration
Animated promotional bumpers for Pop the Question and a variety of other fictional TV series. These were displayed on screens throughout the televison studio.